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​Hi my name is Peter Mészáros and I'm a 24-year old videographer and photographer from Hungary, Europe. I was always interested in writing stories, making videos and short films from a very young age. It all started as a hobby and then I realized that I can do it as a full time profession.



Back in the beginning of 2017 I started my YouTube channel which allowed me to create and practice something I love to do everyday. My purpose is to become better than I was yesterday by making better videos and taking better photos. Everything that I know today is coming from making something instead of learning about it.



I left college after two years where I studied architecture, at that time I decided that I'm going to spend my money on camera gear, travel and lifetime experiences.



Filmmaking has become my passion because it gives me a motivation every morning to wake up. I want to grab every opportunity that comes into my way and complete them with all my strength.

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